Preferred by many of our patients, porcelain veneers can provide the lasting result of a smile makeover. Many cosmetic dental problems, such as chipped, gapped, stained, aged or misaligned teeth can be resolved with porcelain veneers. The porcelain veneer process begins with listening to what you want for your new smile. A mock-up is made and approved by you before treatment begins. The actual veneer preparation visit involves recontouring the enamel. An impression is then taken which will be sent to a skilled dental laboratory technician to fabricate the wafer thin porcelain. In the meantime, you will wear temporary veneers taken from the mock-up to try out your new smile. A few weeks later, the veneers are tried in and if you approve of them, they will be bonded to the teeth. Porcelain veneers are as strong as your own teeth and resist future discoloration and chipping. They make a dramatic and immediate difference to your smile and self-esteem.